









This land on which we inhabit is physically situated in the original ancestral homelands of the The Wea Peoples of the Miami Tribe of Indiana. The Wea were a Miami-Illinois originally located in western Indiana and part of the larger Illinois Confederation. 我们向迈阿密部落(特拉华州)致敬, Kickapoo, Miami, Mound Builders, Piankashaw, Potawatomi, Shawnee, and Wea), past, present, and future, and the Wea Peoples continuing presence in the homeland and throughout their historical diaspora. This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well.

This calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well. Without them, we would not have access to this gathering and to this dialogue. We take this opportunity to thank and honor the original caretakers of this land.


The 妇女资源中心)努力赋予权力, educate, and create a safe space for people of all gender identities and expressions.  WRC supports the inclusiveness of women across campus and within the community. The mission of the 妇女资源中心 is to recognize the diverse accomplishments, 促进兴趣, and help meet the needs of women at bc菠菜导航.  This is accomplished by providing a forum for discussion, 信息传播, and programming that celebrates and promotes women and their allies.

WRC’s educational content addresses all issues of gender, relationship, and sexual diversity. 我们的项目来自于一个交叉性的地方, understanding that issues of gender cannot be separated from other social identities, such as race, sexual orientation, 社会经济地位, etc. 

所有节目都是免费向公众开放的. For more information on 妇女资源中心 (WRC) Graduate Assistant Breanna Pierce at bpierce7@sycamores.888193.net.

TEDxIndianaStateUniversity - December 6, 2021 - links to presentations coming soon.


Bre Pierce

Mini-bio: Bre Pierce (She/They) is a recent graduate of bc菠菜导航 for her Bachelor’s in Science. They are continuing their education as they are pursuing their Master’s in Communications. She works with the Office of 多元文化服务和项目 (MSP), 担任妇女资源研究生助理. They love talking to others about the important topics of mental health, 残疾的意识, and LGBTQ+ rights. In her undergraduate work, Bre was the Sycamore Safe Zone coordinator at ISU. Bre worked to facilitate and coordinate allyship events around campus in order to make the environment more loving and open for all students. Bre has enjoyed every minute of coordinating this Tedx event and she is so excited for everyone’s stories to be heard!


Dr. Tameka Ellington 

Mini-bio: Dr. Tameka Ellington grew up in the inner-city of Cleveland, Ohio and was raised by a single mother. Her father was absent due to alcoholism and drug use which eventually landed him in a 15-year prison sentence. 尽管她周围充斥着暴力和犯罪. 塔梅卡始终追求卓越. 

Title: The Power of Deserving: How to combat women’s poverty mindset

报告描述: Because we are born, we are deserving of all that life has to offer. BEING deserving is our birthright; however, FEELING deserving is impacted by our mindset. 我们的心态在出生时就开始形成了, 环境:一个人成长的环境, 社会标准的影响, 以及我们经常背负的世代诅咒. This presentation will take the TEDx audience on a journey of Dr. Tameka’s life from meager inner-city beginnings to internationally renowned scholar. 

Elynor Head

Mini-bio: Elynor Head attends bc菠菜导航 and currently is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Geology.  She is a part of the Honors College and has been able to get involved in student research at a relatively young age. Elynor is currently studying diatoms from Lac Vieuz Desert in the paleolimnology research lab. She is highly interested in space exploration and plans to pursue a career as a planetary geologist.                                                                           

Title: Diatoms

报告描述: Paleolimnology is the study of lakes and lake sediment and as an undergraduate researcher I use diatoms to piece the climate history of lakes together. 通过研究硅藻, we can understand what the environmental conditions of a lake were in the past. 

Stephanie Bertoli

Mini-bio: Stephanie Bertoli is a homeschooling mom to three little ones by day and a running coach/women's health advocate by night. 在成为母亲之前, 她获得了运动科学学士学位, 体育管理硕士, 是大学运动员吗, 也是大学田径教练.

Title: Pelvic Floor Health in the United States: One Woman’s Story

报告描述: Studies have shown that as many as 1 in 3 women will experience some form of pelvic floor dysfunction within their lifetime. It touches every single aspect of someone's life -- while it's not life threatening, 它可以是生命的减少. 在许多情况下,它是可以预防和治疗的, 然而,许多人并没有得到他们真正需要的帮助. 

JoEllen Henson

Mini-bio: JoEllen Henson is the Field Director for both the BSW and MSW programs as well as a Multi-Year Faculty Instructor for the Department of Social Work at bc菠菜导航.  Ms. Henson is a Licensed Social Worker in both the state of Indiana and Illinois. Ms. Henson is currently enrolled in the Doctorate of Health Sciences program at bc菠菜导航.  在开始她在学术界的工作之前,Ms. Henson worked as a School Social Worker in the state of Illinois for 26 years 

Title: 每个人都有自己的故事

报告描述: I would like to share my story--how I am currently working towards my life-long goals, even though it may be a little later in life than originally planned! My message is one of never giving up-staying true to yourself and your personal ambitions and dreams, 不管生活在你的道路上设置了什么障碍!

Dr. Malynnda Johnson

Mini-bo: Dr. Malynnda Johnson is an associate professor in the department of communication teaching mostly in the areas of health communication and media studies. She completed her PhD in 2012 at the University of WI – Milwaukee. She is also the associate program director for the genetic counseling program. 

Title: 笑的力量

报告描述: From Patch Adams to Gallows Humor being able to laugh has been found time and time again to provide medical benefits. Humor is found to not only help a person’s mental health but also in the physical healing process. Humor can help normalize our ability to discuss medical issues while modeling discussions we should be having with partners, providers, and family members. 然而,有一些重要的问题需要考虑.

Dr. Lucy Campbell

Mini-bio: Dr. Lucy Campbell serves as Faculty Fellow in Academic Affairs. 她在教务长和招生办公室工作. Her primary responsibilities are helping designing materials and reaching out to students and families who identify as Hispanic/Latino, working with ISU’s Admissions staff in high schools and on campus. Dr. Campbell is a Spanish instructor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. 她在南美洲的哥伦比亚出生并长大. 

Title: "纪律就是幸福"

报告描述: “Self-discipline is the rode to happiness” and my professional Journey as Hispanic immigrant.

Katherine Pine

Mini-bio: Katherine Pine is a Senior Instructor at bc菠菜导航 and teaches online for Ivy Tech Community College. She teaches Public Communication, Interpersonal, and Media Production. 

Title: The Alpha Female

报告描述: My topic idea is to encourage the return of the concept of an alpha female. I recently presented on how the term alpha females came into use and were discussed in the 1900's. Females identify as self-confidence, higher poised, and lack feelings of inferiority. The alpha woman self-identifies as both conventional (nurturing and caring) and unconventional (independent and successful).

Hailee Lauritzen

Bio: Hailee Lauritzen, D.H.Sc.c, MSW, LSW Hailee Lauritzen是一名持牌社工, and faculty Instructor at bc菠菜导航 in the department of Social Work. Ms. Lauritzen completed a master’s degree in social work at Michigan State University in 2008 and is currently a doctoral candidate at bc菠菜导航 in Health Sciences. Since 2008, Ms. Lauritzen has worked as a therapist for women and children survivors of sexual abuse/assault.

Title: Imposter Syndrome

报告描述: My TEDx talk would focus on imposter phenomenon (IP) or more commonly referred to as, imposter syndrome (IS) and why many high achieving women struggle with this concept, 尽管有无数成功的记录. Research shows Imposter Syndrome is a common barrier for highly educated professionals who remain in the shadows for fear they don't have the ability to reach higher goals. 这个TEDx演讲将简要地定义冒名顶替综合症, 以及通常被视为附属的共同特征. It will also address potential impacts and barriers of successful work and finally helpful tips to overcoming it.

Dr. Brittney Millspaugh-Storms 

Mini-bio: Dr. Brittney Millspaugh-Storms, PT, DPT, MBA, NCS completed her BA in biology with an emphasis in molecular biology and genetics from Anderson University, and her doctorate and masters at Southwest Baptist University. She has since go on to become certified in women’s and pelvic health as well as become a board certified clinical specialist in neurology. She currently teaches full time as an Assistant Professor at bc菠菜导航. She also continues to take patients and practice at the ISU Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation clinic on ISU’s campus.  

Sarah Tobias

Mini-bio: After Sarah Tobias graduated from Clay City High School in 2010, 她就读于南印第安纳大学. Tobias received a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education (non-licensure) and a minor in Art Education. She enjoys her job as one of the Assistant Toddler Teachers at ISU’s Early Childhood Education Center while simultaneously trying to balance living with a rare and invisible disease.

Title: 我罕见的看不见的病…从痛苦到好转

报告描述: This presentation will give you one person’s perspective of what it was like to live with an undiagnosed disease and what it is like to live with a rare and invisible disease. Sarah Tobias will share with you the positive and encouraging life lessons she has learned throughout this journey.


TEDxIndianaStateUniversity - 2020年11月

Thank you for attending our TEDx event on November 19, 2020! 感谢您的参与. The videos of our speakers can be found on YouTube by searching "TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen", inputting the title, 或者点击下面提供的链接. 您还可以找到此消息附带的程序.  

With over 300 people that attended we were able to set the bar high for our future TEDx events, 所以请关注更多信息. Please show your support for the women of our community by liking, sharing, 并在视频下评论. 



Not All Wounds Are Visible | Bre Pierce | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen

Throughout life, 我们经历让我们快乐的事情, make us confused, make us angry, 有时会让我们伤痕累累. When all these scaring experiences build up, trauma begins to build. Sometimes you do not realize that all the stuff that has happened in your past has hurt you, until you start taking a look at your past and how it has ...


Women: Change Agents that are out of this World | Elynor Head | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen


女性真的在工作中互相支持吗? | Maryem Salam | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen


Overcoming Risk Factors | Amanda Muhammad | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen


Developing Leaders for LGBTQIAP+ Advocacy | Melissa McCollister | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen


The unspoken rules of the freelance world | Lexie Signor | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen


Displaying Their Authentic Selves | Bahareh Javadizadeh | TEDxIndianaStateUniversityWomen



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